Pro Shop
Promotional Ideas

Pure it Pro Shop "Willy Wonka Golden Ticket"
Pure It is pleased to announce your chance to strike gold! Starting this week we will be selling envelopes for just $2.00 each. What are you searching for? Golden Tickets!!! If you find a golden ticket you won't be visiting the Wonka Chocolate factory, but instead you will win a Vintage Brunswick Gold Rhino Pro!! There will be a total of 5 Golden tickets. On top of the Gold tickets there will also be silver tickets (10 total) which will get you a 30 minute Detox Treatment. Finally there will be White tickets (20 total) which will get you either a free insert change or a ball cleaning. The first night we collected $320.00. This was a great way to get the buzz going about a new ball release and our new DETOX machine.
ITZ 2 Ball Challenge In The Zone Pro Shops Kansas City
This is a great Summer League for the center as well as the pro shop. Every bowler pays $200.00 up front and receives a low end and a high end bowling ball. Every bowler is required to only throw these two balls during the league. This allows the pro shop to get some revenue during the summer and the opportunity to build a relationship with them as they get ready for winter leagues.
Simple Pro Shop Posters
Work with your center to put up posters around the bowling center that drives business to the pro shop. Put a woman’s poster around the woman’s bathroom, a 300 ring poster by the standing sheets, a kids poster by the arcade, a “we can make your ball hook” poster by the bar, and so on. Posters are very inexpensive for the amount of extra money they can bring in. If you sell 1-2 extra balls in the life time of the posters they are more than payed for.
Surface Change Reward Card
Hand out a punch card with 5 to 10 punch locations on it. Every time the bowler comes in to get his ball touched up or cleaned, punch his card. When the card gets filled up, the customer gets a free ball surface change or reward. This is a great strategy to increase traffic flow.
Offered by Lou Marquez of Turbo 2 n 1 Grips:
Work with local coaches to organize a holiday Learn To Bowl clinic during the winter break. Have respected coaches and shop operators work on fit and physical game skills and arsenal evaluation. Offer a free grip analysis to everyone attending. Those that signup multi-attendees get a reduced fee for admission and/or family signups may get an additional 30 min in a group private lesson at a later date with a coach.
Offer a free plastic ball with the purchase of a high performance ball at regular price. The plastic ball can be of any weight / style for any family member. Drilling not included on plastic ball or misc. accessories.
We at Jayhawk also make great products that are designed to make pro shops money and customers bowling higher scores. Our New Detox Oil Extraction Machine has added over $1000.00 per month to several pro shops around the world. With its Patent Pending Ultra-Sonic Technology it only takes 15-30 minutes to deoil a bowling ball. Check out the video at
Of course, once you get a new customer into your pro shop, now comes the important part of keeping them as a customer. Treating all of your customers like they are the boss, after all without them you won't have much of a business, is probably the best place to start. You want to make sure your bowlers have fun and have a proper fit. You want to make sure that once they leave, they tell all their friends about the great service they had and that they can't wait to come back. Be sure to greet each customer with a smile and tell each of them Thank You at least once before they leave your shop.
Check out our contact page if you have any questions or if you would like for us to send you a complete Pro Shop Equipment Catalog and price list. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.