DESIGNED FOR PROPRIETORS AND MECHANICS During development, Brunswick talked to numerous proprietors and mechanics to understand what they wanted, needed, liked and disliked about lane machines. Regardless of your position in the center, you will appreciate the thought and features built into every Authority22. Multiple levels of security, easily customized, control which functions can be accessed and adjusted by different users. This restricts changes to those authorized and properly trained, reducing the chance for improper lane preparation. Automated logs track and record the time and user name for all major functions: pattern application, pattern design changes, maintenance messages, and system messages. The absorbent wiper turns and the squeegee blade flips for multiple uses, lowering your cost for wear items. Durable, center-opening fiberglass covers provide unobstructed access to the cleaner, conditioner and recovery tanks, as well as electrical connectors and major internal components. This speeds and simplifies maintenance and service when required. Brunswick backs up the Authority22 with 24/7/365 support. Field Product Specialists and Internal Customer Response Center engineers provide superior customer service, support, and training for centers worldwide. |